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Current Fee Structure

All Colours of Dance classes are priced termly and discounts are automatically offered if the fees are paid before the first day of each term.  Discounts increase the more classes you do and are applicable to a family rather than an individual. These discounts are available for fees paid on time (by the start of term) and any unpaid fees will lose their discount on the first day of  term.

2 classes per family per week = 5% discount

3 classes per family per week = 10% discount

4 classes per family per week = 15% discount

Individual students who attend more than 5 classes per week will be invited to benefit from a higher rate of discount in support of their committment.  This will be separate to any general family discount.

Fee Assistance

Colours of Dance is deeply committed to its pupils.   When financial or other circumstances change for a student, we try to support however we can.  We actively contribute to a Community Fund every year and use this to help our students maintain their access to lessons or uniform, if their circumstances change, as we can contribute to  reduced or fully funded places in class for a while when needed.  Most of this fund is set aside by the Principal, from proceeds during the year and from the annual performances, but we are also generously supported by parents who contribute through donations or sales of their second hand uniform.  We are incredibly proud that our community functions this way and that we help each other when times are tough.  This is informally, but transparently managed, with the Principal & the current panel of Associate Teachers acting as informal trustees to ensure that funds are allocated where needed and we can help those throughout the school when needed.  This help is available to students whose circumstances change after they have been attending class - we are not able to offer  support as an 'incentive' to new students.  To find out more, please ask and we'll be happy to talk to you.

Cambridge County Council, supported by The Leys School, offers Grassroots Activity Grants to students between ages 4-6 years old.  To discover if you are eligible, please see here for details: https://www.cambridge.gov.uk/grassroots-activity-grants

Blackpool - 2Giving Notice

Once you have registered for a class, you will remain a registered pupil until you give notice.  If you move up a level, or change to a different class, you do not need to re-register - we will manage all of that for you once you have discussed with your teacher what you would like to do.   If you wish to give notice, then we ask that you give us at least a month's notice in writing, so that we can plan the class for the next term and also offer another student on a waiting list the opportunity to have that place.  If you do not give notice, you may be charged half a term's fees in lieu.

Fees 2024-25

Across the school, it has been necessary to make a significant (4%) increase to fees with effect from September 2024.  Many of our costs have continued to increase in line with general pressures from the cost of living increase in the economy, but we have also made savings where we can, so this represents a lower than inflation cost. This feels like a lot in the September term as this is the longest term, but we promise we've kept it to the minimum.    We charge according to time, so there is no fee increase at the higher grades.  

We have also lengthened our teaching weeks for classes held at the Studio from 34 weeks to 35.5 weeks this year, in response to student demand.  Previously all days had an equal number of lessons per term, so in order to respond to this and balance out the difference between state and independent school terms, as well as care for teacher legs, we have extended each term by a few days.  Where we teach within a school (Perse Prep & SJCS), this hasn't changed, as we teach within their term anyway.

Fees are calculated and billed according to the number of classes for that class on that day.  For example, if you have a class on a Thursday, then in the Autumn Term you will have one class less than someone whose class is on a Tuesday, as term ends on a Wednesday that term.  The fees listed below are fees before discounts and based on the maximum number of classes.  Your particular bill may well be less that that given below.

1 1/2 hr class = Term Fee £228.83 (Autumn 13.5 wks) £177.98 (Spring 10.5 wks) £194.93 (Summer 11.5 wks)

1 1/4 hr class =Term Fee £188.33 (Autumn 13.5 wks) £146.48 (Spring 10.5 wks) £160.43 (Summer 11.5 wks)

1 hr class = Term Fee £146.48 (Autumn 13.5 wks) £113.93 (Spring 10.5 wks) £124.78 (Summer 11.5 wks)

45m class = Term Fee £113.40 (Autumn 13.5 wks) £88.20 (Spring 10.5 wks) £96.60 (Summer 11.5 wks)

30m class = Term Fee £81 (Autumn 13.5 wks) £63 (Spring 10.5 wks) £39 (Summer 11.5 wks)